
Showing posts with label illustrator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illustrator. Show all posts

Monday 9 May 2011


PRODIGIUM (latin) - prodigy: a sign about the future, a portent sent from the gods.

PRODIGIUM is the brainchild of the Abela Publishing CEO, John Halsted and is part of the Abela Social Enterprise. John established Abela Publishing in 2009 as a Social Enterprise. Through Abela Publishing he republishes old and forgotten Folklore, Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends and donates 33% of the profit from book sales to charities around the world.
Appropriately Abela is the Zulu word for “to share”.
To date 86 titles have been published and the century mark is fast approaching. John sees the raising and distribution of these funds as a natural extension of his Christian tithing principles.

Many of the books and children’s stories Abela republishes are 100 years old, or older, and in the majority of cases while the text remains, the original artwork has been lost. But what are children’s stories without pictures? To a child they are merely an uninteresting jumble of letters. Add illustrations and the stories spring into life.

Illustrators and artists are invited to illustrate any of stories from the titles published by Abela Publishing. Submissions will be made through an online submission system and the top contestants will be invited to take part in a Reality Television competition in a similar format to a now, well-known, Reality TV, talent show. Except this time the contestants will be artists and illustrators - not singers. The result will be books, in particular, illustrated books for children. It is our hope that this project get children interested in reading again and will reinvigorate the interest in libraries wherever they may be.
Negotiations are currently underway with TV production companies and studios in the UK and the USA for the production of shows in these two countries. In the meantime illustrators are encouraged to start researching the stories so they start designing, creating their illustrations.

Artists and illustrators are invited to register their interest at

TV production compies outside the UK and the USA are invited to apply for licenses to run PRODIGIUM in their own countries. Email us at for more info.

The winning illustrator will be given the option to fully illustrate two Abela titles of their choice, including new cover designs, and will also receive a generous royalty from each book. In addition a book of his, or her, illustrations from the series will be published generating a 45% royalty for the winning illustrator.

A list of the Abela books, their ISBNs, and URLs at which they can be ordered can be found by going to the PRODIGIUM WEBSITE ( and then by clicking on “Approved Titles” in the menu bar or by cutting and pasting the following link into your web browser -

More information, a description, a table of contents, bibliographic data and the option to order can be found by following the URL links to each book. A downloadable list of approved titles is also available in PDF format at this URL.

All the Abela books can be ordered online at Abela Publishing or at the Abela sub site Folkore ‘n Fairytales. They are also available from any of the major online retailers, like Amazon, Waterstones, Tescos, Blackwells, WH Smith, the Book Depsoitory, ABE Books and many other online bookstores. 
Books ordered via either of the Abela websites will be shipped HOT OFF THE PRESS direct to customers and will see MORE being donated to charities – if only because we don’t have to pay the retailers their 30% take.

Where potential entrants are unable to afford books, we recommend they approach their local libraries to source copies. Most UK libraries have received a communique about the project so should know what you mean when you ask. If they dont, direct them to the Prodigium website at

We have produced a number of posters in PDF and JPEG format in A3 and A4 sizes for bookshops, libraries and schools. These are available at

Through PRODIGIUM John and Abela Publishing plan to bring these old and forgotten tales and stories back to life for children with fresh and exciting illustrations. In his 1894 book “More English Fairy Tales” a reviewer wrote Joseph Jacobs flouted the Florklorist’s creed, choosing to present stories that would fill children's imaginations “with bright trains of images”. Vividly painted princesses, Pied Pipers, pots of gold, giants, speaking cats, Kings, Hoybahs, wise men and even washerwomen.

Following in Jacob’s footsteps John wants to revitalise storytelling, children’s books and re-introduce a whole swathe of exquisitely illustrated forgotten fairy tales and folklore to the children of the 21st C. In doing so he also hopes to revitalise interest in reading and in libraries not to mention giving illustrators and artists a wider audience.