
Friday 19 August 2011

So whats up with UNICEF UK?

Lets see now.........

I have published / republished 28 books from which I freely donate 33% of my, the Publisher's profit, to Unicef UK.
Now, you would think they would be grateful, but OH NO, its just "Give us the money mate and bugger off! We're not interested in anything else!"

Why do I write this? Well, republishing 28 books (I have republished a lot more) takes an awful lot of time and money - £121 per book to be exact, or £3,388, US$5,627 at todays exchange rate. Wanting to use the skills I have learned to benefit my fellow man, I have done from the goodness of my heart and in my spare time.

The books are printed commercially by one of the worlds foremost Print on Demand printers (Lightning Source) to an ecological template, reducing carbon emissions. In short the quality of the finished product is of the highest standard.

From each sale of these 28 books, I donate 33% of my profit to UNICEF, which is about £1 per book for an online sale via the Abela website or £0.48p for books sold via the retail network. But this is not good enough for UNICEF UK.
They are not in the least bit interested. In fact they have told me in no uncertain terms what I can do with my books - and, oh, to give them the money when I have done whatever it is I am supposed to do with them - and myself.

So, do you think UNICEF are justified in their stance, or is this just a big charity chasing the big "dollars" and running rough-shod all over the small guys who really want to help? I would really appreciate your feedback.

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