
Showing posts with label charity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charity. Show all posts

Friday 19 August 2011

So whats up with UNICEF UK?

Lets see now.........

I have published / republished 28 books from which I freely donate 33% of my, the Publisher's profit, to Unicef UK.
Now, you would think they would be grateful, but OH NO, its just "Give us the money mate and bugger off! We're not interested in anything else!"

Why do I write this? Well, republishing 28 books (I have republished a lot more) takes an awful lot of time and money - £121 per book to be exact, or £3,388, US$5,627 at todays exchange rate. Wanting to use the skills I have learned to benefit my fellow man, I have done from the goodness of my heart and in my spare time.

The books are printed commercially by one of the worlds foremost Print on Demand printers (Lightning Source) to an ecological template, reducing carbon emissions. In short the quality of the finished product is of the highest standard.

From each sale of these 28 books, I donate 33% of my profit to UNICEF, which is about £1 per book for an online sale via the Abela website or £0.48p for books sold via the retail network. But this is not good enough for UNICEF UK.
They are not in the least bit interested. In fact they have told me in no uncertain terms what I can do with my books - and, oh, to give them the money when I have done whatever it is I am supposed to do with them - and myself.

So, do you think UNICEF are justified in their stance, or is this just a big charity chasing the big "dollars" and running rough-shod all over the small guys who really want to help? I would really appreciate your feedback.

Saturday 30 April 2011


ERIC Thorgrimursson (nicknamed 'Brighteyes' for his most notable trait), strives to win the hand of his beloved, Gudruda the Fair. Her father Asmund, a priest of the old Norse gods, opposes the match, thinking Eric a man without prospects. But deadlier by far are the intrigues of Swanhild, Gudruda's half-sister, a sorceress, who desires Eric for herself. She persuades the chieftain Ospakar Blacktooth to woo Gudrida, making the two men enemies. Battles, intrigues, and treachery follow.

From the pen of the master of Victorian action and adventure this novel actually seems rather less dated in the early 21st century than Haggard's other work or the general run of Victorian adventure fiction. Improvements in our understanding of the Viking period have done surprisingly little to falsify Haggard's imagination of its setting, and the book should still hold appeal to any reader interested in the period.

Clearly influenced of the pioneering saga translations by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson in the late 1860s ERIC BRIGHTEYES set a standard of quality and fidelity to the saga style that remained unmatched until Poul Anderson's novel The Broken Sword 60 years later.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF

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To see all the Sagas and books in the Norse and Viking Tales collection,
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Published by Abela Publishing
to raise funds for charities

NORTHLAND HEROES - two Norse Sagas rewritten especially for children and young adults - The Viking Sagas BBC FOUR

For centuries the songs of Homer, the blind poet of Greece, recounting the heroic deeds of the great Hector and lion-hearted Achilles, have delighted the children, young and old, of many lands. But part of our own heritage, and nearer to us in race and time, are these stories of Beowulf and Frithiof (Fridtjhof) rewritten in a simpler format for children and Young Adults.

The records of lives nobly lived are an inspiration to noble living. With the hope that the courage, truth, endurance, reverence, and patriotism shown by these heroes of the Northland will arouse interest and emulation. This little book is offered to our young adults and children. "The Story of Frithiof" is based upon Holcomb's translation of Bishop Tegnér's poem, "The Saga of Frithiof" which charts Frithiof's and Ingeborg's undying love for each other and the lengths Frithiof had to go to, to eventually win her hand. If ever a story was to teach the young about perseverance and endurance, this is it.

The epic Beowulf was written in England, but is set in Scandinavia. It has variously been dated to between the 8th and the early 11th centuries. The original is an epic poem told in historical perspective; a story of epic events and of great people of a heroic past. It follows the life of Beowulf, his rites of passage and his maturing from boy to man through facing and overcoming adversity and evil. This was the time when men were knighted for achieving great feats, and great their feats were. A time when the successful application of brain and brawn gained a man high standing in the community and possibly even higher office in the land.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF

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To see all the Sagas and books in the Norse and Viking Tales collection,
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Published by Abela Publishing
to raise funds for charities

THE SAGA OF VIGA GLUM - An Ancient Viking Saga - The Viking Sagas BBC FOUR

The Sagas, of which this tale is one, were composed for the men who have left their mark in every corner of Europe. There is no page of modern history in which the influence of the Vikings and their conquests have not had an effect--Russia, Constantinople, Greece, Palestine, Sicily, the coasts of Africa, Southern Italy, France, the Spanish Peninsula, England, Scotland, Ireland, and every rock and island round them, have been visited at one time or another by the men of Scandinavia, and their influence is still being felt today.

This saga paints a picture of Icelandic society. But the society presented is not one of pastoral simplicity and repose. The actors within were real men and women and the events portrayed actually occurred - for this is a true story. Bloodshed and violence are common and Viga-Glum, or "Murdering Glum," the hero of this story, is not by any means a perfect character, even when measured by the standards of the time in which he lived. A time when a man's standing in the community was dictated by courage and his wealth, the author tells us that for twenty years he was the first man in Eyjafirth, and for twenty years more there was no better man there.

Viga-Glum is described as one who was naturally indolent, shy, and moody; but when he could be brought to act, his courage and determination were indomitable. When he had to achieve a purpose he was thoroughly unscrupulous; neither blood nor false oaths stood in his way - just what one would expect from a Viking. The finishing touch to this part of his character is added by the peculiarity, that whenever he was intent on slaying a man, he was apt to be seized with a fit of uncontrollable laughter which ended in tears.

So join us in this ancient tale of love, lust, honour, murder, Beserkers, romance and damsels in distress.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF

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To see all the Sagas and books in the Norse and Viking Tales collection,
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Published by Abela Publishing
to raise funds for charities


This is the story of a poet, poor and proud, with all the strength of a Viking and all the weakness of genius. He loves a fine lady, a spoiled child; who bewitches him, and jilts him, and jilts him again.

In true Viking style he fights for her, kills for her, writes verse for her, and rises, for her sake, to the height of all that a man in his age could achieve.
Then, after years, he has her at his feet, and learns of her heartlessness and worthlessness. He bids her farewell; but in the end dies with her name on his lips.

The motive of the book is very modern, yet at the same time as ancient as the human race itself. It is dramatic and imaginative in the sense that it is told by one who was an artist in his craft of saga-telling. The diction is of the simplest and there is no fine writing, but the plot is balanced like a Greek play and the action drives along to its close.

The result is conveyed without a word of moralizing. The characters are broadly drawn, and their types are still valid today. Without needless detail, there are touches enough of realism. It reads like a novel, and yet it is a true story.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF.

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Published by Abela Publishing
to raise funds for charities

The Saga of Gisli the Outlaw - an Ancient Norse Saga - The Viking Sagas BBC FOUR

THE EVENTS described in the saga of Gisli the Soursop reach from about the year AD930 to AD980. In a time when the law of Iceland had not yet been established, when men were ruled by their conscience, Gisli, a champion of Iceland, was outlawed for murder by the Chieftain Bork at the Thorsness Thing (council).

But besides his sentence he was doomed, even before his birth. He and his kin were under a curse, for they had kept the broken bits of "Graysteel", the thrall's good sword, which came with a withering spaedom. So under sentence and under a curse Gisli went on the run. For fourteen years with the help of family, friends and those who really knew the truth, he managed to evade Bork's men and bounty hunters alike.

As with many champions through the ages, Gisli was also a true poet and his verses have genuine thought and feeling lying underneath, as you will frequently find in this volume. To the end Gisli fought hard, taking with him eight of the fourteen who eventually cornered him one snowy night on the crags. It has been said by many that there never was a more famous and honourable defence made by one man in times of which the truth is known. Even as death approached Gisli managed to compose and sing one final verse to his wife who stood nearby.

It has also been said that this is one of the finest, if it be not the very finest, of the lesser Sagas. When translating it is difficult to grasp the full spirit of the story, but here it has been accomplished with the detail of scenery and costume thoroughly mastered.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF

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To see all the Sagas and books in the Norse and Viking Tales collection,
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Published by Abela Publishing
to raise funds for charities

The Saga of Beowulf - an Ancient Norse Saga rewritten especially for Children - The Viking Sagas BBC FOUR

f you ever just wanted to know the story of Beowulf without having to plough through the 3,182 lines of the epic poem, then this book is for you. This is the story of Beowulf as retold by Strafford Riggs.

Beowulf was written in England, but is set in Scandinavia. It has variously been dated to between the 8th and the early 11th centuries. It is an epic saga told in historical perspective; a story of epic events and of great people of a heroic past.

This was the time when men were knighted for achieving great feats, and great the feats of Beowulf were. Dismissed by the King's Earls as clumsy, lazy and a sluggard, he was also shunned by his peers for his strength and prowess with the sword and spear. On hearing of the monster, Grendel, he announced his intention to sail for the Daneland to prove his worth and prove his accusers wrong. And this he did, killing not only the monster Grendel but also it's evil moster-mother.

On his return home he was proclaimed the greatest hero of the North by the very same who condemned him (sic). In time he becomes king of Geatsland and an extended period of prosperity follows, ended only by a flame-breathing, steam belching dragon. Once again our hero sallies
forth. The dragon is defeated but this time so is our hero.

In a time when the young servicemen of the western nations are heroically laying down their lives in the seemingly endless battle against terror in order that we may live safely in our homes, £1.30 from the sale of this book will be donated to Help for Heroes a UK charity providing practical and direct support for the UK's wounded servicemen.

For more information, a table of contents or to order,
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To see all the Sagas and books in the Norse and Viking Tales collection,
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Published by Abela Publishing
to raise funds for charities

The Saga of Burnt Njal - an Ancient Norse Saga - The Viking Sagas BBC FOUR

What is a Saga? A Saga is a story, or telling in prose, sometimes mixed with verse. There are many kinds of Sagas with varying degrees of truth. There are the mythical Sagas, the historical Sagas of the kings of Norway, and then there are Sagas relating to Iceland narrating the lives, the feuds and the ends of mighty chiefs who dwelt in the districts of the island. These were told by men who lived on the very spot, and told with an exactness as to time and place. The Saga of Njal is one of these.

Of all the Sagas relating to Iceland, this tragic story bears away the palm for truthfulness and beauty. To use the words of one well qualified to judge, it is, when compared with all similar
compositions, as gold to brass. In this Saga we learn of the sad story of Njal's fate, Gunnar's peerlessness and Hallgerda's infamy, of Bergthora's helpfulness, of Skarphedinn's hastiness, of Flosi's foul deed, and Kari's stern revenge.

To tell a story truthfully was what was looked for from all men in those days; but to tell it properly and gracefully, and to clothe the facts in fitting diction, was given to few, and of those few the Saga-teller who first threw Njal into its present shape, was one of the first and foremost. As for truthfulness, there are many other Sagas relating to the same period in which the actors in our Saga are mentioned by name and in which their deeds are corroborated.

But, of all the Sagas, none were so interesting as Njal, whether as regarding the length of the story, the number of ranking chiefs who appeared in it as actors and the graphic way in which the tragic tale is told.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF

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Published by Abela Publishing
to raise funds for charities

Thursday 28 April 2011

The Saga of Grettir the Strong - Grettis Saga - An Ancient Norse Saga - The Viking Sagas BBC FOUR

In this saga, Grettir's life is told from beginning to end. As a child, he is rebellious and bad-tempered. He is described as red haired, freckled, and broad around the eyes. But he is also courageous. He takes on and defeats a draugr, a walking corpse or Norse equivalent of a zombie. But in doing so he is cursed, and this is thought to be the cause of his later misfortunes.

At times Grettir falls into the role of a bona fide hero, but he is blamed for setting fire to a hall, killing many men, and is condemned by the Thing (assembly) to outlawry (although many suspect the validity of this sentence). This means that anyone may attempt to kill him without legal penalty and citizens are forbidden to help in any way. Many attempts are made but none succeed. This is not dissimilar to the Saga of Gisli (also republished by Abela Publishing).

Grettir eventually becomes the longest surviving outlaw in Icelandic history. When he has completed nearly 20 years as an outlaw, his friends and family ask for his outlawry to be lifted, arguing that a man may not spend more than 20 years as an outlaw (in reality there was no such law in medieval Iceland). After a debate at the assembly, it is decided that the outlawry will be lifted when he has truly completed the 20 years, but not before.

His enemies make one last effort, using sorcery causing him to wound himself and finally defeat him in the lonely, fortress-like Drangey off the northern tip of Iceland where he was staying with his brother Illugi, and slave Glaumur.

Later, in Constantinople, where the Norse served as the Varangian Guard to the Byzantine Emperor, Grettir’s half brother, Thorsteinn of Dromund, avenges his murder.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF

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Published by Abela Publishing  

The THRALL of LEIF the LUCKY - An Ancient Viking Saga - The Viking Sagas BBC FOUR

THE Anglo-Saxon race was in its boyhood in the days when the Vikings lived. For every heroic vice, the Vikings laid upon the opposite scale an heroic virtue. They plundered and robbed, as most men did in the times when Might made Right. Yet the heaven-sent instinct of hospitality was in the marrow of their bones. No beggar went from their doors without alms; no traveller asked in vain for shelter. As cunningly false as they were to their foes, just so superbly true were they to their friends. Above all, they were a race of conquerors, whose knee bent only to its proved superior. Their allegiance was not given to the man who was king-born, but to the man who showed himself their leader in courage and their master in skill.

Leif Ericsson, also known as “Leif the Lucky”, was the second son of Erik the Red and certainly displayed the Viking spirit of adventure and exploration. As a young man Leif Ericsson visited Norway, where he converted to Christianity. He was charged with returning to Greenland to convert the populace, but instead sailed further west and is believed to have landed somewhere in Nova Scotia. He spent a year in North America before returning home to Greenland, where he served as governor.

The film The Viking (1928) was based on this novel, which has, to some extent, been based on Viking history.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF

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Published by Abela Publishing  

The Saga of Olaf the Glorious - only a Viking could have led a life like this! - The Viking Sagas BBC FOUR

The hero in this volume is not an imaginary one; he was a real flesh and blood man who reigned as King of Norway just over a thousand years ago. The main facts of his adventurous career -- his boyhood of slavery in Estonia, his life at the court of King Valdemar, his wanderings as a Viking, the many battles he fought, his conversion to Christianity in England, and his ultimate return to his native land -- are set forth in the various Icelandic sagas dealing with the period in which he lived. The author made free use of these old time records, and added only such probable incidents as were necessary to give a continuous thread of interest to the narrative.

For the convenience of readers who may wish for greater exactness it may be as well to state here that Olaf Triggvison was born A.D. 963, that he started on his wanderings as a Viking in the year A.D. 981, that the sea fight between the Vikings of Jomsburg and the Norwegians took place in A.D. 986, and the battle of Maldon in the year A.D. 991. Olaf reigned only five years as King of Norway, being crowned in 995, and ending his reign with his death in the glorious defeat at Svold in the year A.D. 1000.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF

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Published by Abela Publishing  

Fridtjhof's Saga - also known as Friedthof's Saga - An Ancient Norse Saga - The Viking Sagas BBC FOUR

King Bele of Sogn  had two sons, Helgi and Halfdan, and a daughter named Ingeborg. Across the fjord, lived the king's friend Thorstein Víkingsson  whose son Fridthjof (Friðþjófr), called "the bold", was the bravest among men. Fridthjof had been raised with Ingeborg by their foster-father Hilding.

Both Bele and Thorsteinn died in war whereupon Helgi and Halfdan ruled the kingdom. They were jealous of Fridthjof's excellent qualities and denied Fridthjof Ingeborg's hand. They took her to Balder's sacred enclosure where no one dared touch her. Still, Fridthjof visited Ingeborg and their love for each other continued to grow.

This angered Helgi and Halfdan and Fridthjof was banished to Orkney. They also demanded tribute. While he was away they burnt down his homestead and married Ingeborg to the aged king Ring of Ringerike. When Frithjof returned with the tribute, he burnt down Balder's temple and left to live as a viking. After three years he wintered with king Ring. Fridthjof's identity became apparent and the dying king appointed Fridthjof earl and made him the care-taker of Ring's and Ingeborg's child. After Ring’s death, Fridthjof and Ingeborg married and he became the king of Ringerike. He declared war on Ingeborg's brothers, killed one and made the second his vassal.

Tegne'r's poem, "Fridthjof's Saga," has been printed in Sweden in many editions and in almost every possible style. It has been illustrated and it has been set to music most famously by Heinrich Hofmann but also by Bruch and Johan Wagenaar. Moreover it has been rendered into English by eighteen different translators, and has been translated into nearly all the modern European languages.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF

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Published by Abela Publishing  


The Saga of Howard the Halt - an Ancient Norse Saga - The Viking Sagas BBC FOUR

This is a Norse tale, or saga, of Howard the Halt, or Howard the Lame. It tells of a man named Thorbiorn who had the priesthood over Icefirth. A mighty chief, but the most unjust of men. Throughout Icefirth all spoke ill of him. He would take maidens, handfast them awhile before sending them home. From others he took their goods and chattels or their lands.  He had taken a young high-born woman, Sigrid, as his housekeeper.

And then there is our Howard. He too was of great kin, but now in the Autumn of his life. In his earlier days he had been a great Viking and the best of champions. In one of his bouts he was badly wounded and incurred a knee injury. Ever after he was halt, hence his name. Howard’s wife was Biargey, a stirring woman of good kin. They had one son, Olaf, a most resolute young man. Great of growth, and goodly of aspect.

Olaf was keen on Sigrid as was she on him. One of Thorbiorn’s henchmen, Vakr, was also keen on Sigrid, but she rejected his advances. Thorbiorn, Vakr and his other men ambushed and killed Olaf. So disastrous was the news to Howard that it is said he took to bed for a year. Biargey convinced him to rise and seek retribution at the Thing. All he received from Thorbiorn was scorn. But other attendees were so revolted at Thorbiorn’s judgement that, to Thorbiorn’s
chagrin, they agreed to pay Howard’s compensation.

But this is not where our story ends. On the contrary, it is merely the beginning of Howard and Biargey’s search for justice.

So pick up this ancient Norse tale, a story of the eternal search for love and justice amidst a world full of jealousy, spite and injustice. But know this, in the end justice and right will always prevail and in the case of Howard justice is dealt out in the Viking way.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF 
For more information, a table of contents or to order, 
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Published by Abela Publishing  


Eirik the Red's Saga - the Saga of Eric the Red - an Ancient Norse Saga - The Viking Sagas BBC FOUR

This is the Saga of Eirik the Red. This volume is more saga, or fact, than fiction. Despite this being a fact-based saga there is still plenty of action to enthral, for Eirik the Red and his two sons, Thorstein and Leif, were definitely men of action. It charts how his family first came to Iceland, his birth, his removal from Norway, his discovery of Greenland and the birth of his, more famous son Leif. It also gives account for time spent in Vinland (Nova Scotia) and gives account of their interaction with and action defending against the
people they called the Skrœlingar, or, North American Indians. The translators have also supplied the modern geographic names of the area of Nova Scotia where dwellings were built.

This volume also charts some of Leif Eiriksson’s life. Also known as “Leif the Lucky”, he was the second son of Eirik the Red and certainly also displayed the Viking spirit of adventure and exploration. As a young man Leif Ericsson visited Norway, where he converted to Christianity. He was charged with returning to Greenland to convert the populace, but instead sailed further west and is believed to have landed somewhere in Nova Scotia. He spent a year in North America before returning home to Greenland, where he served as governor converting the island to the Christian belief (for a more complete account of Leif’s saga try “The Thrall of Leif the Lucky” also republished by Abela Publishing).

The film The Viking (1928) was based on the life story of Leif and incorporates a good deal of authentic Viking history.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF. 

For more information, a table of contents or to order, a sample of the text,
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Published by Abela Publishing  

The Laxdaela Saga (the Laxdale Saga) - an Ancient Norse Saga - The Viking Sagas BBC FOUR

The Laxdœla saga is an Icelandic saga (story) of the men and women of the Salmon River valley involving the clan of Laxárdalur. It is one of the most important Icelandic sagas, originally written in Old Icelandic; probably sometime around the year 1245 AD. It is noted for its mention of the first known Norseman in the Varangian Guard: the Icelander Bolli Bollason.

An amalgam of historical fact, myth, epic, romance, anachronism, and literary invention, the Laxdaela Saga  is, in essence, a dramatization of the circumstances surrounding a blood-feud between two sides of a great dynasty; in its second and decisive portion, it treats a love triangle that re-ignites the feud and its adjoining intrigues.

Guðrún Ósvífursdóttir, who is famous for her beauty is our protagonist. Courted by the two foster-brothers Kjartan Ólafsson and Bolli Þorleiksson. Guðrún preferred Kjartan, but she gave herself to Bolli, because of a false rumour that Kjartan was engaged to Ingibjörg, the sister of King Ólafur Tryggvason. The two foster-brothers engaged in hostilities which ended with Bolli killing
Kjartan, and Bolli being killed by Kjartan's kinsmen.

The story is carried forward by the mysterious workings of fate, symbolized by the prophetic dreams of Gudrun. Noted for its detached narrative style and ornately-patterned structure, the Laxdaela Saga remains a highly influential work of Scandinavian literature and is considered an outstanding example of medieval prose romance.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF.

For more information, a table of contents, a sample of the text or to order, 
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To see the books and Sagas in our Norse and Viking Tales collection, 
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Published by Abela Publishing  

Friday 1 April 2011

THE PHYNODDERREE and other tales from the Isle of Man

IN no part of the British Isles has the belief in the existence of Fairies retained a stronger hold upon the people than in the Isle of Man. In spite of the tendency of this matter-of-fact age to destroy what little of poetry, romance, and chivalry education has left to us, there lurks still in many countries, and especially in mountainous districts, a half credulity in the supernatural.

This volume rescues from oblivion a few of the Manx legends: 
  • Mona's Isle
  • The Phynodderree (from whence this book obtains its title)
  • Tom Kewley and the Lannanshee
  • King Olave The Second and the Great Sword Macabuin, and 
  • The Buggane's Vow

Many legends of good and evil Fairies are still related by the country people of Mona's Isle; and those who care to inquire into the habits and customs of the Manx cottagers will see and hear much that will reward their curiosity. It is not the mere excursionist, or TT visitor, visiting the Island for a summer holiday who will ever learn or see anything of these customs, but those who branch off the high road and venture into the recesses of the mountain districts.

In the course of conversations on the lingering belief in Fairies, a regular attendant at a local Church, and a well-to-do farmer expressed his implicit conviction that such people as fairies did frequent the Glen in which he lived. In reply to the question, "Have you ever, in your life, seen a fairy?" he replied, "No! I can't exactly say I ever saw one; but I've smelt them often enough."

So curl up with this unique volume in a comfy chair for just as this book brings you enjoyment and mirth, be assured that your purchase will have also helped an underprivileged person somewhere for 33% of the publisher's profit is donated to charity.

For more information, a table of contents, a sample of the text or to order, go to
or to view the "Celtic Tales" collection follow this link


Friday 25 March 2011

The Book of Noodles - Stories of Simpletons, Fools and their Follies - Raising funds for the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal

This book is filled with Noodle-tales from around the world. But what is a Noodle? After a fashion, the typical noodle of popular tales "point a moral". Poor fellow! he follows his instructions only too literally, and with a firm conviction that he is thus doing a very clever thing. But the consequence is almost always ridiculous or disasterous. He practically shows the fallacy of the old saw that "fools learn by experience," for his next folly is sure to be greater than the last, in spite of every caution to the contrary. He is generally very honest, and does everything "with the best intentions." His mind is incapable of entertaining more than one idea at a time; but to that he holds fast, with the tenacity of the lobster's claw: he cannot be diverted from it until, by some accident, a fresh idea displaces it; and so on he goes from one blunder to another. His blunders, however, which in the case of an ordinary man would infallibly result in disaster to himself or to others, sometimes lead him to unexpected good fortune. He it is, in fact, to whom the great Persian poet Sádí
alludes when he says, "The alchemist died of grief and distress, while the blockhead found a treasure under a ruin.
Men of intelligence toil painfully to acquire a mere "livelihood" but the noodle stumbles upon great wealth in the midst of his wildest vagaries. In brief, he is--in stories, at least--a standing illustration of the "vanity of human life"!

So enjoy this collection of Noodle-tales brought together by W A Clouston, from widely scattered sources. While this book may bring you enjoyment and occasional bouts of mirth, its purchase, and for every book sold, will see  £3 or approx NZ$6.40, donated to the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal.

Published by Abela Publishing

The Red Fairy Book - A Victorian Children's Classic

This book has been published to raise funds for The Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity.

In buying this book you will be donating to this great charity that does so much good and enables families to stay together in times of crisis. And what better way to help children than to buy a book of fairy tales. Some not seen in print or heard for over a century. 33% of the Publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to the GOSH Children's Charity.

In this volume you will find the story of `Sigurd', the `Pied Piper,' `Drakestail,' `Little Golden Hood', `The Six Sillies', `Jack and the Beanstalk', `Snowdrop', `Rapunzel' and many others.

IN gleaning of the fields of Fairy Land, Andrew Lang hoped that some of the tales in the Red Fairy Book may have the attraction of being as familiar as old friends. The tales have been translated, or adapted, from the originals originally written in old Norse, French, German, Romanian and many other European languages.

What better way to bring a gleam into a child's eye than by reading them a fairy tale. And just when you think you've finished, don't be surprised if you feel a tug at your sleeve and a request for "'nuther fairy tale please" for this is where good always wins over evil, where the Prince always gets his Princess and where the common man is allowed to best Kings.
For more information, a table of contents or to order, go to

To view the complete collection in Anthologies and Collections,
follow this link

Thursday 24 March 2011

THE WELSH FAIRY BOOK (originally published 1908)

This book has especially been republished to raise funds for the treatment of Felix White who suffers from Neuroblastoma, the second most common solid tumour in childhood which makes up 2 in 25 (8%) of the total number of children's cancers - and what better way to raise funds than to use a book which was prepared for youthful readers in particular. £1.05 of the net profit from the sale of this book will be donated to The Appeal for Felix.

When schoolmastering in South Wales in the early 20th C., W. Jenkyn Thomas found that all the fairy books in the school library were in such constant demand that they rapidly wore out. He inquired whether the readers were familiar with the fairy mythology of their own country. With few exceptions, he found that they were ignorant of the Fair Family and other legends of Wales. After waiting in vain for an editor to produce a book of Welsh Fairy stories, he prepared this book, hoping that the Welsh variants of the universal folk-tales will also interest a wider circle of readers.

In this volume you will read of "Elidyr's Sojourn in Fairy-Land", "Einion and the Lady of the Greenwood" and "The Drowning of the Bottom Hundred" plus ninety more. Here it may be remarked that the style of the originals has been left largely untouched. So be assured that in buying this book you have given hope. Hope that a little boy will receive the treatment he deserves. Then, feeling good with yourself, take some time out and put the 21st C. away for a while, settle down in a comfy chair and enjoy these Welsh tales of yesteryear.

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to the Appeal for Felix. For more information, a table of contents or to view a sample of the interior, go to

To see the books in the Celtic Tales collection, follow this link

Published by Abela Publishing  

The Green Fairy Book (Andrew Lang 1892)

This was meant to be the third and last of Andrew Lang’s Fairy Books of many colours. Fortunately for us it wasn’t. First there was the Blue Fairy Book; then when Victorian children asked for more, the Red Fairy Book; and, when they wanted more still, the Green Fairy Book was put together. The stories in all the books are borrowed from many countries; France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Scotland, England and even one rare Chinese tale. However much these nations differ over policy and ideology, all their children agree to liking fairy tales. 

As we grow up, we dismiss or forget the fairy tales of our youth and the lessons they taught. But grandparents have long memories and the responsibility falls on them to tell them to their grandchildren: and when they, in their turn, become grandparents, they remember them, and tell them also. In this way these tales are older than reading and writing, far older than printing. 

The oldest fairy tales ever written down were written down in Egypt, in about Joseph's time, nearly three thousand six hundred years ago. Other fairy stories Homer knew, in Greece, nearly three thousand years ago, and he made them all up into a poem, the Odyssey, which all children should read some day. But here you will find an enchanted watch, the golden blackbird, Jorinde and Joringel, the shoes of swiftness, that were worn later by Jack the Giant-Killer and perennial favourites like the three little pigs. These fairy tales are the oldest stories in the world. They were first made by men, who were childlike, for their own amusement, and so they amuse children still. While these stories were made to amuse, they also teach goodness, unselfishness, courage and morals. 

33% of the publisher's profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charity. For more information, a table of contents or to view a sample of the interior, go to

To see all the books in Anthologies and Collections, follow this link

Published by Abela Publishing