
Showing posts with label kiev. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kiev. Show all posts

Tuesday 23 July 2019


THEY PASSED OVER THE BOUNDLESS WHITE PLAIN WHERE AN AGED SAINT WITH FLOWING BEARD STOOD from the story THE STORY OF KASYAN AND THE DREAM MAIDEN in The Russian Story Book collated and retold by Richard Wilson, illustrated by Frank C. Papé.

Our story is about a Kasyan who was one of the mighty heroes of Holy Russia, the leader of a band of forty. His bravery was, without equal, who had fought against the accursed Tatars, and had won great renown in battle against infidel hordes; but he had never taken golden crowns nor loved any lady except the Dream Maiden, whose image he kept ever in his golden heart. She had come to him in a dream and that’s where she stayed, in his heart and mind and he resolved to one day seek her out.

His men loved him so dearly that they had pledged not to rob or steal, not to look with love upon the face of any maiden, and not to stain our hands with blood. Part of the pledge was to dress as pilgrims and wear the red poppy and to travel the land in search of Kasyan’s dream maiden.

One day In the open plain near the city of Kiev they met Prince Vladimir out hunting. They called out:“Vladimir, Fair Sun of Kiev, give alms to the wandering pilgrims. Not a pittance but a royal gift will we take from such as you, even a noble benefaction of forty thousand roubles.” Vladimir halted the hunt and addressed the pilgrims, “I have no roubles with me,” said the courteous Prince, “nor can I refresh you as you deserve and as I desire. But go onward to Kiev town to the Princess Apraxia, who in my name will give you food and drink and lodging.”

Onward they went to the palace of Princess Apraxia where they called out to her using the Pilgrims wail. She came to the window and saw the pilgrims but immediately recognised Kasyan, who had appeared to her in a dream…..So what happened to the Kasyan and Princess Apraxia? Well, you’ll have to read the book to find out for yourself!

See this image on over 50 products. These products are for both genders and for all ages. Search and find many more exquisite images from classic fairy tales and folklore in the “Fairy Tales and Folklore” shop on REDBUBBLE.

Once you have purchased this most excellent product from our Store, be sure to visit the Folklore and Fairytales book store to search for our Russian tales and stories which we know you and your young ones will enjoy. Click this link to see our collection of Russian Folk and Fairytales

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Saturday 30 April 2011

Legend of the Last Vikings - Taklamakan - The Viking Sagas BBC FOUR

Finalist ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Award
Replace Indiana Jones' Fedora with a Helmet

and swap his bull-whip for a sword
but keep the leather Jacket
then add a dash of Romance
and you have
from Norway along the Silk Route
into China's notorious Taklamakan desert
in the genre of Indiana Jones!

Synopsis: As the Viking age is brought to an end in 1066 with ignominious defeat at the battle of Stamford Bridge, a rag-..tag group of Vikings conclude the quiet life is not for them and they decide to go-..a-..Viking one last time.

They retrace a journey of their youth across the European Steppe and down the mighty Dniepr river Heading for Byzantium. A chance discovery in a Kiev library leads them to venture even further afield - to Astrakhan, across the Caspian sea, up the mighty Oxus river, through Parthia and Bactria and along the ancient Silk Route into Asia and Tian Xia (China) and the notorious Taklamakan desert -.. so called by local inhabitants because those who venture in, seldom venture out.

Engaged in a battle not of their choosing, they inflict fatalities on the sinister and evil Black Scorpions who want to exact their revenge. Pursued, they flee by night across the Roof of the World and meet the remnants of the "lost" European tribe of Asia, the Hepthalites, who offer them protection in their city, hidden in the Tien Shan -.. the Celestial Mountains. A place where romance is kindled and love unexpectedly blossoms.

During their winter sojourn in the Hidden City they gather more clues, and in the spring continue with their quest, on into the Taklamakan desert. More danger and peril lies in wait for this rag-..tag Viking crew as they travel along the Silk Route, the world's first super-..highway.

At the eastern end of their journey they meet the Lang Ren, the Wolf people of Lou Lan, outcasts thieves and criminals living in an abandoned city in the desert. A city without water. A city about to die. A city in which the final clue to their quest is uncovered.

What fate awaits this rejected element of Asian society? Can this motley crew intercede on their behalf? What will the outcome be?

Beautifully bound, this book is available in paperback and hardback with dustjacket.

US$1 from every copy sold will be donated to the Tearfund.

For more information, a sample of the text or to order
go to
Legend of the Last Vikings
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To see all the Sagas and books in the Norse and Viking Tales collection,
go to
or go to
Published by Abela Publishing
to raise funds for charities